We combine a high-level view of system design and a down-to-earth approach of problem solving. We provide feedbacks on what are the best tools for the job. We have experience building data pipelines using tools such as Spark, Dask or Flink running on premise or on cloud.
Data Science
We have experience leading projects that apply data science and mathematical modeling to solve complex problems. Depending on the use case we use optimization techniques, classical statistics methods, Machine Learning or Deep Learning to build accurate predictive models.
Machine Learning
We have years experience in developping machine/deep learning algorithms and utilizing them to make continuous predictions/forecast on the long term. We know all the tricks to get the most accurate models without falling into the usual overfitting problems. We are using libraries such as spark ML, Smile, DL4J, Scikit-learn, XGBoost, Tensorflow and Keras.
While we favour long-term partnerships and projects, we are also available for short-term high-level consulting ranging from software architecture, data science, data engineering, machine learning or deep learning.
We provide trainings on a broad range of topics such as Python, Scala, Spark, Kafka, Stream processing, Machine Learning and Deep Learning. We can give short lectures or organize deeper training programs covering the all data science pipeline from data mining, processing, predicting until results sharing through a web application.
We help teams getting up to speed in the long run, providing recurrent coaching and advice through the whole project livecycle, aiming for continuous improvement. We don't mind sharing our tricks as what matters most for us is helping you making progress with your projects. We know that this is the paying strategy on the long term.