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Reverse Image Search used to find similar road markings in large aerial pictures
Reverse Image Search used to find similar road markings in large aerial pictures

In this blog post, we will see how we can use reverse image search based on (unsupervised) convolutional neural networks to make the analysis of satellite/aerial pictures both more efficient and simpler. After reading this post, you will be able to find similar objects in a large aerial/satellite images and from there develop your own GIS statistical applications (i.e. to count all white cars in your neighborhood, identify specific road markings or kind of trees, etc. ).

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Top-5 cards that are the most similar to the ace of diamonds.  The similarity is measured using a pre-trained deep convolutional neural network.
Top-5 cards that are the most similar to the ace of diamonds. The similarity is measured using a pre-trained deep convolutional neural network.

The requirement for a (very) large training set is generally the main criticism that is formulated against deeplearning algorithms. In this blog, we show, how deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) can be used in an unsupervised manner to perform efficient reverse image search.

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Sentiment Analysis of French texts using deep learning techniques

In this blog, we will see how deep learning techniques (Recurrent Neural Network, RNN and/or Convolutional Neural Network, CNN) can be used to determine the sentiment polarity of a written text.  This is call "sentiment analysis" and it's very useful to enhanced the communication with your customers.  Such algorithms are typically used to analyze emails, website or even Facebook posts where your customers may talk about your products. Thanks to this, you can prioritize your answers and react faster to the unsatisfied customers... ...