Category archives: Data Science Framework

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Sparkling Water on the Spark-Notebook

Note:  This blog post was written as a collaboration between and and the blog content was initially posted on on blog.H2O.ia.  You can either read it here, or continue your reading on its original publication page.

In the space of Data Science development in enterprises, two outstanding ...

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R vs Python vs Scala vs Spark vs TensorFlow... The quantitative answer!

In this blog, we will finally give an answer to THE question:  R, Python, Scala, Spark, Tensorflow, etc...  What is the best one to answer data science questions?  The question itself is totally absurd, but they are so many people asking it on social network that we find it worth to finally answer the recurrent question using a scientific methodology.  At the end of this blog, you will find a quantitative answer comparing the computing time of each language/library for fitting the exact same Generalized Linear Model (GLM).  Many features matter in the choice of a language/library, among them , the computing and developing time are for sure very important criteria.
